1400 Franklin Street
San Francisco California 94109

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Our Hours

Monday: 9am - 5pm

Tuesdsay: 9am - 5pm

Wednesday: 9am - 5pm

Thrusday: 9am - 5pm

Friday: 9am - 5pm

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

By Appointment Only: Please call, email, or book online to schedule an appointment

View Our Holiday Hours

About Our San Francisco Location

Better Hearing Center of San Francisco has been serving the San Francisco community since 1989.

As a patient-centered practice, we are focused on helping you stay connected to life with hearing technology that meets your individual needs. We are independently owned, and we work with all the major hearing aid manufacturers, giving our patients access to every make, model, and style of all the latest in hearing technology.

Every hearing device we sell includes our high level of ongoing customer service at no additional charge to ensure the device continues to meet your expectations.

The personalized care provided by our professionals is tailored to your hearing needs, lifestyle and budget – from entry level to premium technologies.

Better Hearing Center in San Francisco
The Better Hearing Center office in San Francisco, CA

Online Scheduling Now Available!

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See What a Satisfied Patient Said

I have been a patient at Better Hearing in SF for many years and truly appreciate the caring service which Shui-Lan and Michelle have given me. They have worked together brilliantly to find solutions and have provided a lot of wonderful training about the ins and outs of how the hearing aids can be utilized to provide the maximum benefit. Also before a replacement or purchase was made, they covered all of the options.

Many Thanks,

Tom Webster

New Patient Forms

For your convenience and to save time at your first appointment, you may download and complete the new patient intake form below. Our Notice of Privacy Practices is also below for your review.

Notice of Privacy Practices
